Electric Fileclam (Ctenoides ales)

Also known as Disco Clam, Disco Scallop, Electric Clam, Electric Eye Flashing Fire Shell, Electric Eye Flashing Scallop, Electric Flame Scallop ,Fireclam, Flamboyant Bivalve, Flame Scallop, Flashing File Shell, Flashing Scallop, Lightning Fire Shell, Lightening Scallop, Mollusc, Oyster, Saltwater Clam, Scallop


Also known as a Disco Clam, Disco Scallop, Electric Clam, Electric Eye Flashing Fire Shell, Electric Eye Flashing Scallop, Electric Flame Scallop ,Fireclam, Flamboyant Bivalve, Flame Scallop, Flashing File Shell, Flashing Scallop, Lightning Fire Shell, Lightening Scallop, Mollusc, Oyster, Saltwater Clam, Scallop.

Found in fissures of rock walls. As the shell moves its lips, it produces ripples of light along the edge of the mantle, producing a lightning display! This is to act both as a defence against predators, but also to attract prey, which the clam can paralysis with the mucus on its tentacles.
They feed on plankton.
Length - 9cm
Depth - 5-20m
Widespread Indo-Pacific

Most Bivalves are permanently anchored in fissures or depressions in the rock surface of the reef, some may become covered in algae and other marine life.
Other Bivalves swim free, either by a well developed foot or propelled along by a jet of water from their mantle cavity. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ctenoides_ales

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